Three key things you should never do when selling your home

Everyone talks about the best things to do when selling your house, but what about the ones you shouldn’t do? Today, we’re going to talk about three things you shouldn’t do when selling your house:

  1. Don’t make showings difficult. Sellers should be prepared during showings, especially if they’re scheduled at a reasonable time. Aside from making sure that your house is clean, create a better buyer experience by limiting your presence around the house. Make sure that you and your family are ready to leave the house on one or two hours notice.
  2. Don’t scare buyers off. Not all buyers are pet lovers. If you have pets, try your best to take them with you or put them somewhere that buyers can’t see. You can hire someone to watch over your pets or place them in pet day care during showings.
  3. Don’t leave your personal items. Try your best to depersonalize your house. While we all have pictures and other personal items displayed in our homes, it’s important that buyers can visualize themselves living there. It could be difficult for them to imagine living there if all your belongings are displayed all over the house.

If you have any questions about selling your home, please reach out to me. You can call me at (602) 501-9352 or send me an email at